

What's Missing?

In life today and in past times there are and were folks who were considered "Heterosexual" and then there are and were folks considered not be heterosexual. No-one really understands any of it, but allow a niggle of light to be shed upon the issue or issues starting with  the letter L in "LGBT" which stands for "Lesbian." A "Lesbian" is considered to be "A female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females." Take note that it does not say females that like other females for their personality, their charm, charisma, good looks and so forth, the many things that create and develop loving, nurturing, caring and lasting relationships. NO! it just says having a sexual desire. Now there are females who have relationships with other females that act, dress and look like men and yet these females consider themselves to be a "Lesbian." This cannot be at all possible when the definition of a "Lesbian" clearly states:  "A "Lesbian" is considered to be a female who experiences romantic love or sexual attraction to other females." NOT females with a disposition of a man, but females with the disposition of a female.

The G in "LGBT" stands for "Gay" the dictionary defines "Gay" as: "Being bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer." LGBT actually doesn't define the word "Gay" yet it is explained that the initialism "LGBT" itself was developed to replace the word gay because activist believed that the term "Gay Community" did not accurately represent all those referenced. In past times the word "Gay" referenced mostly a males sexual desiring and being attracted to other males. Take note that it does not say the males like other males for their personality, their charm, charisma, good looks and so forth, the many things that create and develop loving, nurturing, caring and lasting relationships. NO! it just says has a sexual desire. To move on, since that lack of knowledge in past times got the best of folks the word "Gay" actually referred to cultures that associated with "Homosexuality which I will express about later in the post.

Now the B in LGBT stands for "Bisexual." Bisexuality is considered to be "A  romantic and sexual attraction toward both males and females, or a romantic and/or sexual attraction to people of any sex or gender. Take note here as well that it does not say that bisexuals like other females or males for their personality, their charm, charisma, good looks and so forth. The many things that create and develop loving, nurturing, caring and lasting relationships. NO! it just says a romantic and sexual attraction. This behavior is also referred to as "Pansexuality." The first part of that word (Pansexuality) should get those associated with same sex involvement an open mind to decided who it is they actually want to be associated with. If folks are publicly begging in other terms (panhandling) for sex from anybody there are deeper issues that need to be expressed with those individuals sexual identity.

Now the T in "LGBT" stands for "Transgender." Now "Transgender" folks are "Those who are having difficulty deciding between their birth-sex and their preferred-sex," These folks do not have to be associated, I'm going to say it, with the "Gay Community" they just have a fixation on wearing clothing of the opposite sex other than their own. Sometimes these folks will get surgically altered to help them, as they say, "transition" to their preferred-sex, yet that does not mean a male who "transitions" to a female will be interested in a male. This "Transgender" male individual can be interested in females which would pretty much place them into a set of categories in a class. Such as a "Transgender Lesbian" or a "Transgender Bisexual." Some "transgenders" will sometimes "transition" only partway keeping their genitals intact. These individuals should be placed into such categories as "Queer" and/or "Intersex Individuals." I will discuss "Queerism" later in the post.

"Intersex Individuals" are also referred to as "Hermaphrodites." "Hermaphrodites" "Are individuals that have both male and female chromosomes. Still the discrepancy with "Transgenders" and "Hermaphrodites" would be that "Hermaphrodites" are born as such and "Transgenders" are surgically altered as such. LGBT has reluctantly left out the I or the H initialism for "Intersex Individual" and "Hermaphrodites." My guess is LGBT does not think of these folks as major aspects of the "Gay Community." Especially concerning hermaphrodites.

Another letter that has reluctantly been left-out of the initialism LGBT is the letter Q. The letter Q stands for "Queer!" Now who wants to be identified as such right? Yet, the letter Q has been replaced with the letter T because the letter Q and its meaning "Queer" associates those "Individual that have strange and peculiar sexual tendencies and behaviors." LGBT has been reluctant to express and explain the fact that being "Queer" goes for beyond just wearing woman's clothing, that the individual is a female interested in a female with male tendencies and vise-versa. My guess is that is why the T replaces the Q. "Queer" extends out to any species, be it male or female, who has sexual relations with animals, addicted to sexual toys and so on. These fixations and many others all express "Queerism."

Now getting back to being "Gay" is just what it is and LGBT initialism can't change it because being associated with the "Gay Community" describes more than just "Lesbians", "Bisexuals" "Transgenders" and so forth.

Also "Intersex Individuals" or "Hermaphrodites" are neither associated with LGBT or the "Gay Community" because they are born as male and female their sexuality is not by choice, fault or mishap. Another thing for LGBT to realize is they have reluctantly left out those individual that have sexual feelings and desires for "Intersex Individuals" or "Hermaphrodites" that are "Heterosexual." A "Heterosexual" is an individual that desires to be with the opposite sex other than their own. Now a "Heterosexual" female can have sexual desires for a "Intersex Individual" or "Hermaphrodite" and she is neither associated with "LGBT", "Queer" or the "Gay Community." Even though there are far less cases of a "Hermaphrodite" males than there are "Hermaphrodite" females. Still they do exist. 

I truly hate to disappoint and be the barer of bad-news, but if you are having an identity crisis it is best that help is sought-out by a professional psychiatrist. Now all individuals might not have a desire to go running to the therapy, but if one in unfamiliar with his or he sexual identity by far there are serious issues, circumstances, problems and so much more that is going on and hiding behind a few letters will only help a little. 

Take time to understand what and who you are. What your body, mind, soul and spirit is capable of bringing forth. How uplifting you truly can be. To be involved with human kind is not just about being sexual attracted and sexual desiring to them it extends far beyond. Plus if folks can't figure out their own identity then how will it be possible for them to know someone else's identity?

Bless Everyone!

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