

Friday, November 29, 2019

Featured Post

The year 2020 is approaching shortly and as all readers know Under The Sea has its on-line physical fitness group sessions titled "LGF!" {Let's Get Fit} every year to help maintain, loose and gain weight. In the upcoming year Under The Sea would like to give a hearty  THANKS! and show its appreciation to McDonalds for their help and support with physical fitness challenges.

There is a history with Under The Sea and McDonalds as to how Sparkaline (Sparks) obtained the physical fitness challenge VIDs that will be used for the 2020 year "LGF!" sessions. These VIDs will allow participants the opportunity to physically-move, get in shape, 
tone-up and cool-down while following Under The Sea's regimens and routines. For the year 2020 there will be two "LGF!" sessions. The first will be held in the Spring and the second held in the Summer.

McDonalds has always been childrens' favorite place to eat. from the catchiness of their jump-rope tune, their tasty breakfast sandwiches, big breakfast, hot coffee - to their well put together commercials, great lunch sandwiches, milkshakes and dinner meals the 
fast-food chain is also a great stop for adults.

For many years the Ronald McDonald House has been providing places for families to stay close to each other when faced with a serious exigence. The housing provided by the Ronald McDonald Foundations are provided at a low cost, allow children to receive the best health care and promote less financial weariness for parents and caregivers. Many volunteers and donations have made it possible for McDonalds, The Ronald McDonald Houses and the Ronald McDonald Foundations to journey onward into the year 2020 in good standing and in good grace to all those they provide services to.

As Under The Sea follows diligently in the carbon footprints and in the delightfullness of this surpassing excellence incorporated, corporation and fast-food chain we say, again, THANKS! it is an honor to be a part of such prosperity.

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